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VR-World Fix

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VR-World Fix Empty VR-World Fix

Post  Dragnoxz Sat May 15, 2010 11:37 pm

It has been realized that the VR-World seems to be corrupt and it seems that it is in need of fixing. But, the VR-World is in fact not corrupt. Factions blame other factions for the VR-World being messed up, but in fact it is not because of any of the factions that the VR-World is messed up, nor is the VR-World messed up or corrupt. The only thing corrupt is the false image in which many think the world is to be taken over, as if the VR-World is some sort of game itself, or that someone owns it. But, the VR-World is just a World in which factions inhabit, with common sense rules, like gravity, wind, weather, relativity, logic, common scientific logic and law.

The original idea of the VR-World was so that different factions in the FSX VR-World could mark their home bases of operation, where the borders don’t change unless factions are waging war against one another (meaning the borders rarely change unless they absolutely have to, or where each individual faction operates the most when they gather). It is not mainly the borders, but the bases of operation and the regions in which these factions were protecting or operating out of as their home base, or area of defense or operation. This is one of the reasons why there are unclaimed areas all over the USA, because there are so many bases which factions could or might want to operate out of as their own home bases. Factions also were able to base in the same bases together, when allied or partnered for war games, or joint operations, As if the factions were different branches of militaries or private corporations, or even for the same causes. Example ‘GPEO and FSX Air Force’ they were operating together in Tijuana, the Pacific, South Texas, and the Middle East to combat the FSXF during the Revolutionary War. Also, like with GPEO and VSF sharing the bases in the UK. Or like how FSXF and VMC operated long ago in the US (South California, etc). After the Revolutionary War GPEO and FSXF became peaceful, they agreed to operate out of and share all of the Continental US Bases, meaning GPEO and FSXF should be the ones only operating in the US, along with VMC operating out of Marine Bases.

If everyone wished to have things like a global monetary system, then do it right, and recognize that the only factions capable of having craft such as CVN’s, F-22’s, B-2’s, B-1’s, F-117’s, etc are only the GPEO or FSXF. That means the tech; the B-1R’s also would fall under that area as well. I know of some places that have MiG-21’s for sale, otherwise cancel your hopes on having any US Swedish or French tech.

If anything, factions to announce their existence in the FSX VR-World could already be established in the bases they operate in, and here are the more logical steps for factions entering the FSX VR-World:
1. If a faction is already established, has its own system of training, recruitment, cause, structure, members, etc, they would announce their presence on the ITTN or any major forum outlet, in their site or to other faction they might know about to inform them that they operate there.
2. Factions who already have their base of operations set (say they operate out of, Leuchars AB - RAF, they already operate out of it anyway, unless some other faction already operates out of it, then the 2 factions could or would possibly negotiate for ownership or Share the base, with their parking areas assigned and negotiated from the start. Depending on the factions which might already operate out of that base they may out right just say no, and if the faction still desires the base so much or it is of great importance to them, they might out right just attack them for it, using another faction nearby to stage their assault by fighting for the base in a conflict or war in which the winner would hold all claims to the base until they are defeated. Note; this is not meaning that is it right to declare war just to take a base. War should be avoided as much as possible because they make a lasting historical mark against or onto the aggressing factions, leading for possible international branding by other factions, that or the other faction that might lose could no longer have their beloved base of operation. Though some factions may abuse their powers over other factions, however if a war is declared, factions should wage war correctly. That means scheduling sessions for both factions to be able to attend the session, meaning the leaders of both factions E-Mail one another, or contact each other, talk about the area of where the conflict might take place, set a date or future time where both parties can attend, and then fight on the day in which the session is planned. Real time, weather and depending on how the host feels maybe using realism settings on full blown. That means craft might stress and run out of fuel, carrier landings are realistic, etc. These are the common sense laws that were meant when it is said to use common sense and logic. This also means respecting the strategy of war, invading the proper areas to advance into an opponent’s airspaces, supply routes, tactical locations, etc. (meaning attack known supply centers, ports, bases, before advancing to the enemy capital, if any).

Wars are fought for a long time. GPEO and FSXF fought for 6 months and only gained or lost small amounts of land during each battle. Sometimes not any land was secured, but bases and ships might have been damaged or rendered useless, air battles raged on and kills were counted. Imagination is mostly used for writing the historical story lines, battle plans, customizations of craft paints, sceneries, faction ideals and logos, home bases, faction news and propaganda, training methods, laws, government systems, etc. Meaning a good background story or actual story on how the faction was formed, decided to use specific bases, craft, etc; making for each faction to have their own unique story lines, historical value, culture, cause, purpose, training method, media, etc.

Unlimited nukes and assets are not logical there for they could not possibly be recognized by anyone. Factions would not logically be able to claim nukes or carriers legally unless they were donated, inherited, captured or took the time of 2-to-more years to build (real time), because most factions literately just have no capability of being able to support them. Factions start up from the ground and work their way up, that or cause a coup’ in order to secure control over a faction in which they are part of. Factions would not recognize a first starting faction to having nuclear capabilities, ships or anything unless they can back up their claims, especially by older or official factions, unless the faction logically can prove their claims to attaining them from the history of the FSX VR-World. Making for factions that have been around for years to be the ones with the nukes, rightfully they would have been able to attain them logically during past conflicts and exploration of foreign lands, like when Israel was part of GPEO territory, same goes with the USA. Remember the common sense and logical laws. New factions would have no choice but to start from scratch and build the facilities that they want, which takes time (making the scenery, and respecting that it takes real time construction time for them to even have such facilities). Also recognizing the factual knowledge of one’s ability to come up with schematics for such facility, how a nuke works, and where to attain the resources in order to even build one, and the processes of how it is actually done also helps, making their nuke program and other programs legit, logical and on their personal or international record. And if one can’t design it, or describe it, then other factions just might not recognize it and ignore their claims. Same goes with land, the resources in the land and factories that might no longer even be in places where factions once operated in. Example; GPEO operated in Israel for a time when Israel was part of GPEO, GPEO moved whatever nukes that might have been there to another location, or dismantled them, converted them into nuclear power, or armed them in Space using them for the USEA Projects (asteroid control projects) or even GPEO Naval experiments. Same goes for the US Bases, B-1B’s, all transferred to new base locations, B-2 Bombers and other Stealth craft like F-22, F-35, etc all transferred to different locations. GPEO also operated in Switzerland long ago, shortly after the Revolutionary War, meaning those nukes were most likely moved or dismantled. The nuclear arsenal of the UK was sold or donated to the TNF (now Uatia) VMC operates out of Australia, meaning the only places anyone else could possibly get nukes from is China, Russia, N-Korea, or any other Nations that has nuclear capabilities. Even Switzerland was a GPEO protectorate, before it became UCGS. As a global defense against nuclear war, the states within the UCGS were made to dismantle or convert the nukes into power plants or for usage in the USEA. Making Russia the only possible Nation to have nukes, which in such a world where the only threat to Russia might have been only the GPEO or VMC, they might have dismantled a large number of their nuclear capabilities. Meaning the global population of nukes would have been reduced so great that a single nuke would be almost impossible to attain by a small Nation or faction. There are only 4-5 known factions that currently have the legit ability to having nukes, GPEO, VMC, Uatia, ISAF (Nukes moved to Iceland which became a GPEO territory, then UCGS, then a GPEO and FSXRC Base of operation), and possible FSXF (If they decide to be part of the FSX VR-World again. The only other known Neutral Nations to have nuclear capability would be N-Korea, and Russia. ACC invaded N-Korea then surrendered to GPEO, though the nukes were never released meaning that ACC could have possibly used nukes in the most recent conflicts. ACC is believed to have donated their nukes to IRC, which claims to have used 4 nukes on GPEO, 3 of the m confirmed. N-Korea would have had the capability of having 6+ small warheads, poorly made weapons which would still do great damage, but not enough for a global disaster. FSXF did some operations in Russia, making them a possible owner of Russian nukes, though the FSXF became dormant in the FSX VR-World. Current nuclear powers of the FSX VR-World, GPEO, VMC, Uatia, Russia (Neutral State), ACC (Unknown 6+) ACC Disbanded and donated their hardware to IRF, meaning IRF could have had the capability of nuking GPEO in France, however would not have the ability of landing in Greenland due to the airbase being a GPEO facility for testing craft for EMP warfare using the Electro Magnetic Field of the Earth, making their staged assault on Scar Creak a un-legit paradox attack, meaning no kills are counted nor does IRF hold any claims of nuking Scar Creak. We remember that under the ACC the VRCAF used 3+ nukes on Tehran, meaning that ACC would have only had 3 nukes, which could mean that the IRF nuking of France would have been the last remaining 3 nukes which the ACC use to have. Also the USS George H W Bush, CVN was built in Newport News and renamed the USS Rockstar, was in the GPEO Navy until the GPEO Civil War, then might have been sold to ACC when it was in the Imperial GPEO Custody, Meaning that only ACC would have possession of it, and that they might have sold it to the UMEF before UMEF attacked GPEO, Which means that if UMEF did destroy their ships, then the USS Rockstar might be gone.

Just like the real world, the politics are always going to occur and arguments happen; many times the secret political talks are best left secret, for everyone’s sake. Politics in the factions should only be talked with among faction leaders, or the higher ups in a faction. Discussing political ideas with the lower ranking members of a faction usually causes them to leave or start one of their own. There is a difference between members of a faction and the staff members or higher ups of a faction. There are the pilots, and then there are the politicians. It is difficult to recognize them some times, but once a member becomes political, they never turn back, and if they leave they take with them the knowledge and members that are loyal to them. This is where friends back stab one another, lie and deceive their original causes or find their true cause and rebel and unite for what they truly stand for. Once loyal to a cause, they break off to form their own cause, or rebel the original leaders. Politics can be corrupt; they are sometimes better left alone. One might make a deal with another faction promising something, then forget that they already promised something to another causing tensions, breaking of alliances and espionage operations, which like in the real world if some agents or operations are ever discovered, the faction itself could be in jeopardy, or a war could occur for revenge, or public embarrassment could lead leaders into hiding, abandonment of faction, exile or exiting the VR-World, or virtual suicide (individual disappears and never returns, as with the case of Max, the most evil of them all, deceiving, back stabbing of his own friends and causes). These individuals leave from embarrassment, then claim to be getting a life, but are always showing up joining another group or forming one with a different name, or are found playing another game to try and start over again.

There are several different types of factions; at the top are the Internationally Structured Factions which are for the most part fully structured with their own structures of training, leadership, etc. There are the Nationally Independent Factions, which occupy a small patch of land or a region in which they base out of or operate or carrier fleets that have home ports which are operated from. The Militia Sub-Factions, Groups, Naval or Air Units which are ether a Squadron sized faction operating out of a small area, mostly a few bases, or occupy a patch of land, a state, or are a Militia group which would fight for or with a larger ‘Host faction’. There there are the smaller groups, unorganized, rebel, terrorist or small militia, fleet, combat unit, contracted (mercenary) group or flight, which ether use to be part of or can be formed into another much larger faction, which was the case with the Supper Sonic Squadron and Rogue Mercenary Squadron uniting into the GPEO for some time.

When a person sees what looks like a bunch of kids arguing to one another, and they automatically say “Aww that group is just a bunch of kids argueing about who killed who, or who owns what” They are the closed-minded ones who don’t realize that what they are witnessing is the exact same thing we all see in the news in the real world, when Israel and Lebanon are argueing about borders and who fired first or killed who. So when we see these so called ‘kids’ argueing we are seeing real politics happening, media arguments for all to see. It also shows how in the real world that such a stupid argument could be fought over in war, in which actual lives are lost, just over 2 leader’s lack of communication skills. It is sad, and I am seeing how that being the Director of GPEO how it is so much-like the USA, the politics and arguments. I am sort of an Activist against Capitalism, just like someone is an Activist against GPEO. Though GPEO may have political corruption, GPEO does stand for Freedom, and we have learned how fast freedom can be the cause of the group but the complete opposite in actions could be displayed. This is why we must uphold freedom in GPEO and not let it get lost. For when something starts out free it ends a slave, but when it starts out controlled it ends free.

There is honor, and dishonor. Faction leaders and members of faction have it or don’t. Loyalty to friends, cause and group or both can be found all over. For someone to create a faction and have it live on after they leave, that is accomplishment, For one to create a whole VR-World idea and have it live on, that is virtual immortality (At least until it ends).

Last edited by Dragnoxz on Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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VR-World Fix Empty Re: VR-World Fix

Post  nlairforce Sun May 16, 2010 2:46 am

Thats very well said dragon, i read every word of it in respect of you. I also agree that there are way too much wars over some stupid reasons.

After a time like this, you know who you can trust, and clearly know who you can not.
This "test" clearly shows who is loyal and has a feeling of honor and respect.

I wish there were more people who understood that but they clearly are blinded by greed, and they do not know yet what is waiting for them.
GPEO will rise once again, and we will fight for true Freedom!!!
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VR-World Fix Empty Re: VR-World Fix

Post  Tornado Sun May 16, 2010 9:06 am

nlairforce wrote:I wish there were more people who understood that but they clearly are blinded by greed, and they do not know yet what is waiting for them.

I agree


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VR-World Fix Empty Re: VR-World Fix

Post  rubendal Wed May 19, 2010 8:02 pm

Ok dragon nice to see you being able to get on. Thats a long explanation, and I just skimmed it. looks fairly good, and I can't really say anything against it. But I'm not so sure that this is gonna bring everyone back to the VR world.
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VR-World Fix Empty Re: VR-World Fix

Post  ADCGhost Thu May 20, 2010 4:32 pm

In some ways I agree with you. I didnt read the whole random rant, but yeah.

Good luck finding new VMs. One VM in your VR World. 5 in ours


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VR-World Fix Empty Re: VR-World Fix

Post  nlairforce Fri May 21, 2010 11:38 am

Hey, we dont need the details. What matters is, how long will yours hold, spartacus.
You really think that you have created the perfect VW? cuz thats impossible with your corrupted system. You are one of the most selfish persons i know, What are you going to do about that?
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VR-World Fix Empty Re: VR-World Fix

Post  TheFalcon Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:45 pm

Dragon i really do have the upmost respect for you i spent some time away from most of you guys and it really made me reealize just how greedy most people are and you explained the VRW just as i picture it id like to bring the Black Eagles into the VRW i will talk it over with them but it doesnt look like youve been on for a very long time
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VR-World Fix Empty Re: VR-World Fix

Post  rubendal Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:09 pm

I hope what your saying is true. And yeah its unlikely dragons gonna be on for a while.
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VR-World Fix Empty Re: VR-World Fix

Post  Dragnoxz Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:34 pm

Just so you all know, there is in fact ONE VR-World that is "Virtual Reality - World" in which we all operate on, FSXF, GPEO, and the rest. As long as someone forms a faction anywhere, they are on the bord, and if a group operates lets say "Key West NAS, they got to fight us or bunk in with us, because there is room for all. And if everyone likes the USA,then why not all pile in the USA ? The only thing isthat other factions might not like to bunk in with others, some are too big to fight, some are so small, all they would needis a hanger or 2, and some fule tanks. I cant understand how these FUCKS try to control other groups, by luring them into another false VR-World. If you got pilots, you have a group, or band of friends formed together into a unit, then you are part of the VR-World. You must base somewhere, and if so, then where ? It aint a secret, everything is mapped by GPS, there is no where to hide, (unless you operate using a road, lol). THen you go off to create another VR-World, you aim to control factions in it, by mtelling them they have to document all theier members, so they can count how many join their site. Those who run these VR-Worlds end up defeating all others anyway, because they make up the rules for that false VR-World. THe FSX VR-World has no rules, other than the "How to shoot someone down" and other common sense or logically needed rules. If you don't have an immgination, then GET THE FUCK OUT. You NEED Immagination to operate in any game or simulator, you cant have fun unless you are part of the action, the story lines, or the Virtual Reality. Hell, I never left, I just went on leave, or something like that (Vacation). Actuall I moved, lol. So, we all are still in the world, unless we stop playing on line, never contact anyone, make it our official oath not to return is when we die in the VR-World. You want a monetary system in your group, go ahead, no ones stopping you, but when you try to force other groups to having one, then you gona have to fight them to get them to follow under your monetary rule. I am not mad at anyone, I just cant believe how ignorant some can be.

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VR-World Fix Empty Re: VR-World Fix

Post  Dragnoxz Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:34 pm

nlairforce wrote:Thats very well said dragon, i read every word of it in respect of you. I also agree that there are way too much wars over some stupid reasons.

After a time like this, you know who you can trust, and clearly know who you can not.
This "test" clearly shows who is loyal and has a feeling of honor and respect.

I wish there were more people who understood that but they clearly are blinded by greed, and they do not know yet what is waiting for them.
GPEO will rise once again, and we will fight for true Freedom!!!

We will, and we will Live Free, and Die Hard !
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VR-World Fix Empty Read this Carfully

Post  Dragnoxz Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:11 pm

I am just giggleing at the comments about how we got one VM and they got 5, but oh wait, now what, their fals VR-World is gone, and all the factions returned to teh Actual Only VR-World. (as I giggle away), good luck finding more VM's, I could not give a FUCK if the GPEO was the only VM around, that would mean that we would grow as a community, with no one to stop us, so good, you think that it is a bad thing that there is one VM in the VR-World. Your greed of manipulating those other VM's caused your controlfreak world to fall, now look. Freedom prevailed once again, with Honor and truth. I just cant believe how no one listens to somenoe when they already know how sht is supposed to run, because guess who invented the VR-World !? It derives from "THE MAP," No rules, only factions within the VR-World have their own rules. Rules makes a group weak in the long run anyway. Gota ask permission to shoot, oops I just got shot, too bad. When someone is shooting at you, shoot back.

Ok, another thing to add, new factions, STATE your bases of operation when you form, don't just all out claim a whole fucking Region or Contenent, because all someone has to do is take over your base to own your whole claimed area, and I am sure that is not what you would want. Anyoen could invde the GPEO, but do you know how long it would take for them to actually take a place like Forida, that is like a fucking Month long thing, because GPEO has so many airports there, and your Intelligence gathering folkz would be overwelmed with the sht needed to actually capture. Same with Hawaii, and other things. Singapore has multiple airports, and bases surrounding it, how do you think you an even penetrate into that place without losing so many planes ?

Oh, the Choke points all over the world, You might as well first start trying to take those, each one would probably be a day, to a month or more, fighting could go on forever, because if you cant take on our fighters, ten you will not penetrate our shit. So, use common sense before attacking anyone. Learn tactics and warfare stratige, because if all you are doing is recruiting and forming units, then you are not accomplishing anything. The bigger your land is, the more weaker you are, unless you took time to aquire it and do the research on it. Because if you are operating out of Moscow, and think that you got all of Russia, then all someone has to do is invade and capture Moscow, to defeat you, ok ? You DON'T have All of Russia, you Don't have anything but the base you operate out of, and of someone already operates there, you got a problem, and must resolf it with the ones who already operate there.

Doing hops from base to base is not capturing, it is jsut doing hops. A C-5 fully loaded cant take over one base y itself, unless the base is a small one, a chopepr cant eather. You need a network of cargos to be able to actually capture something. THat is common sense, and I hope you al lread this carfully, because this is the common sense rules, logical, and everything else. THis is how you will be ale to survive against other groups, by using common sense, and immagination. No limits. Using political talks, forming alliances, you communities can grow. All it takes is one base to conduct operations, hell a group only conducting training operatinons cousl survive and have enough fun on its own. Look at FSXF, they have not communicated with another factons for years, and they are doing training operations, never chaniging their borders and having fun without having to get official kill from actual enemy forces.

IT aint the kills and shit you should be worrying about, actiuon is fun, and if we all united, instead of being selfish we could all work together as one community. GEO has everything all planned out, why not just fold in with it and take a position, why not actually forget about controling everyone else, and wake up and become part of something good ? Only a fool would reject that offer, that or a control freak. And you should all notice that I am not a control freak, I forgive, I forget betrail, I honor my words, I never turned on a friend, I never cheated in combat, my kills are official. I even congratulate my foe for actually fighting me, as you might remember "Speraticus" who I congratulated on our first war-time battle against each other. So, what I say is usually true, I make sure of it, and if I am not sure of it, I will ask al of you.

It is all about matureity and honor, GPEO is the only group along with Uatia that I know of, that actually stands for Freedom, Uatia may be Dictatorship, but, they dictate to their members to have freedom. GPEO is Democratically Free, truely, no enforced rles, other than the Rules of engagement in which all factions should be abiding by, because that is the only way to know if you were behind someone, keeping them in the HUD, long enough to get a kill. FSXF has a new way for a Long Range Radar Kill, and if they are willing enough, and have put the past behind as we have, maybe they might share their idea. Because they actually came up with th ecounting system in the first place, and they were one of the FIRST VM's estblished, after USEC Security Forces.

Plz, respect other groups which have been around longer than yours, and respect the borders and positions of their areas, and bases of operation. I am sure some of them would be willing to make room in their bases for your new groups to operate out of.
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